Dental Surgery
Dental surgery to remove several teeth for partial dentures, or all of your teeth for full dentures is performed in our office. Dr. Turner has advanced training in oral surgery, and also completed a mini residency in oral/IV sedation to allow his patients to be as comfortable as possible during dental procedures.
Nitrous Oxide
Here at our office, we use nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, as a safe analgesic in conjunction with local anesthetic for most dental surgery procedures. Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective sedative gas that is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask that fits over your nose to help you relax.
Nitrous oxide is not intended to put you to sleep. You will be able to hear and respond to any requests or directions the dentist may have. Your dentist will ask you to breathe normally through your nose, and within a few short minutes you should start to feel the effects of the nitrous oxide. You may feel light-headed or a tingling in your arms and legs. You may feel warm, with a feeling of well-being, euphoria or floating. Ultimately, you should feel calm and comfortable.
Our office will give you written instructions on how to care for your mouth after dental surgery. Call our office at 410-602-2070 if you have any additional questions.
Once your dental surgery in preparation for dentures is complete, we generally wait three days or so to allow the swelling in your mouth to go down, and allow time for the gums to heal, before fitting you for dentures.
Some procedures that are done to facilitate the making of well-fitting dentures are removal of maxillary and mandibular tori, which is sharp bone or bony undercuts, release of muscle pulls called frenum or frenulum and reduction of maxillary tuberosity.